About FTC Our Programs Our Partners
FTC Canada Logo

Feeding hungry children in Canada
and around the world

one+one=food drops Around the World
What is a food drop and why have one?
We gather food from our procurement partners and other generous groups and put together a 25+ pound box of food - enough to provide a child a meal a day for 7 days. Food drops are a tangible way to put our mission into action and to provide a helping hand to people in communities across Canada.
International Partners
Extending our reach around the globe for the sake of children.
FTC Canadian Partners    

Our FTC Initiatives
In Canada, FTC is addressing the reality of domestic poverty through its work with First Nations communities, Family Food Box Program and ongoing distribution of food and other commodities. FTC has distributed food and supplies, valued in excess of 4 million dollars, from coast to coast to over 100 partner agencies.

We partner with our affiliates and with other agencies working in the most impoverished corners of the world.

Feeding centres often provide
the only meal of the day for a hungry child.

FTC Canada provided over 2 million meals last year to families across Canada.

Distribution Partners
On the frontline of poverty across Canada are hundreds of agencies helping children and their families get through the tough times.
  Corporate Partners
Like many of the charities we partner with, corporate support is essential for helping to feed so many children across Canada.
Procurement Partners
FTC Canada is able to collect in-kind donations of food from corporations and provide them directly to families. Families recieve these supplies free of charge.
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