Step 1 Decide
The first step in coordinating a fun and creative Special Project is to decide which type of project or event would work best for you or your group.
Step 2 Apply
Submitting the Special Project Application form (see below) indicates that you have read and will comply with the Special Projects Guidelines.
Step 3 Details
Once approved, finalize the details of your project. This is the time to get all of the details in order to ensure that your Special Project runs smoothly.
Step 4 Publicize
Share your project with the people in your community, including informing local newspapers and television stations.
Step 5 Special Project
At this point, you coordinate the event you have planned. This is when your hard work and planning pays off as you carry out your Special Project.
Step 6 Funds
After the project is completed, the money raised is sent to FTC Canada.
Step 7 Follow Up
Inform those who were involved in the project of the final outcome and be sure to thank those who were closely involved in the project.
Help children in need by doing a Special Project Fundraiser!
You can make a difference for hungry children by organizing a Special Project Fundraiser. These projects are a fun and fulfilling way to take a stand against hunger with FTC Canada.
FTC Canada’s programs to help feed hungry children are supported, in part, by groups and individuals who sponsor events and projects. Businesses, church group, clubs, schools, and communities have all helped to feed needy children.
Special events and projects are best developed around one’s own resources. Whether you work for a large corporation, are a member of a small group, or live in a community that is open to involvement, you may have resources that can substantially help you conduct your special project/event to benefit hungry children.
Special Projects Ideas:
• Bake Sales
• Casual Dress Day
• Corporate Pledging
• Garage Sales
• Car Washes
• Auctions
• Marathon
• Fashion Shows
• Socials or Concerts
Be creative and plan a project that your community will like to support. Whether it's an elementary school raising pennies, or a photographer taking family pictures in support of our work, everyone can do something to help feed hungry boys and girls.