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FTC Canada Logo
Feeding hungry children in Canada
and around the world

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Focus On Hamilton
Hamilton, Ontario – Saturday, October 13, 2009 – FTC Canada partnered with Caravan Logistics Inc. and Hamilton Tiger Cat centre Marwan Hage and his community initiative, Hage’s Heroes, to provide food to 1,500 needy Hamilton families this past Thanksgiving weekend (Saturday October 10).

This has become an annual event for FTC Canada. In 2008 they provided food and supplies to 1000 families in the City of Hamilton. Marwan Hage stepped up, providing 1000 hams in 2008 to add to donations collected in partnership with numerous churches, businesses, companies and individuals.

This year Caravan Logistics joined the partnership and provided the logistics support for the day held at Ivor Wynn Stadium in Hamilton.

fac_logo Look into the face of a hungry child and you'll see a child with real hopes, real fears, and a very real need to eat. From areas devastated by natural disasters to countries caught in the grip of poverty, countless hungry children need help!
child champion logo Reach into the life of a child through sponsorship and impact a life forever. Every child deserves basic necessities like food, medical care, and education. Changing a child's future – one of the best things anyone could ever do!
medical_logo We seek your continued support for medical-dental teams, medicines and vitamins for medical clinics, food distribution and for shipping containers of life-saving essentials to Central America.
First Nations link High unemployment rates and an extremely high cost of living making living in the far north tough for the average person but unreasonably hard for First Nation children who simply want to have a good meal everyday.  
  abc_logo A baby's feverish eyes show the suffering. Ragged breath points to pneumonia, tuberculosis or worse. The agony of slow starvation is heartbreaking, and every day babies like this are orphaned or abandoned in Kenya. They are innocent victims and their needs are urgent!
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speical projects You can make a difference for hungry children by organizing a Special Project Fundraiser. These projects are a fun and fulfilling way to take a stand against hunger with FTC Canada.
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